Jeerah writes:

its already 2011.and we didnt update the wordpress at all and the last update was by rau on february.

i just want to say.it has been a very interesting year.

we went through a lot of things together,discovering our new sides and the true meaning of friendship.i wanted to say thank you to all of you who hadnt given up on me when going through the hardest time.i finally realise what i had was precious to me and you all reminded me not to let it go.thank you again.

i probably did a lot of things to make you all sad and i’m sorry.but im thankfull that you guys had forgiven me and accepted me again,willing to help me change.thank you guys.i love you!

anyway,enough with the drama.its a new year and i wish you guys a belated happy new year!!i wish you all a happy holiday.well…for the next 5 days that is.AHHAHA

hmmm..have a healthy life!!and umm..dont forget to study!!bahh.i have to go.bye!!!

DotA – Defense of the Ancients.

Rau writes…

Weekend nights own.

This is my typical week day night routine this year:

1. Pray.
2. Eat.
3. Do homework or study(-ish).
4. Go to bed.

This is the weekend night routine:

1. Pray.
2. Eat.
3. Play DotA.
4. Watch Anime.
5. Play Sims.
6. Play DotA.
7. Watch Anime.
8. Play Sims.
9. Play DotA.
10. Go to bed.

School was awesome today. Though, still tiresome.

I haven’t touched my PS2 for almost a month now… It must be so sad…

I lent my Shadow Hearts to Arif when he came to send me the Nougat. Probably the bravest thing I’ve ever done. He also gave me his first gaming mouse(yes, about forty percent of the reasons why we’re together is because we’re gaming buddies), and… this little guy.

I call him Spady, because well… Arif always uses the name Spade VII when he plays online games.

Anyway, time to continue the rest of my routine.


jeerah writes:

hey people…i’m at mun right now….we’re cracking our heads to do the project…why did we choose ultra sound….=.=’

hahaha xD anyway,we did a project about x-rays and it was huge sucsess in making our class mate liking our presentation..hahahha xD

but now…we’re helling out cause there’s nothing related about ultrasound and k-pop.


lalalalalal~mun is crazily listening to 2am’s song..hahah xD she even sang with it..i cant~cause i dont know the song…dont get me wrong….i am in love with k pop..hahah xD



anything to do with ultrasound!!!

his has been jeerah…the person to update in year 2010…hahah xD i’ll try to update more…=DD

nobody’s posting for a long time

jeerah writes

OMG!!!i finally found the password and the username!!hahaha xD i forgot!!thanks wal for reminding me the password..and the username
anyway,its been a long,and i mean long time since i posted anything in this wordpress!!hahah xDso sorry~

updates of my life….
i went to kk
the first day was a bit hellish like but it was fun the next two days…i bought bajus and seluars!!hahaha xD beduit eyhh si jeerah anii..hahaha xDD

what else….i’ve been praticing….bla bla bla bla bla….
hahaha xD

so atu saja for the mean time…try to update from time to time…btw,i have a facebook.. caya?!!hahaha xDDD




Rau writes…

Abroad: Out of doors.

“Butterfly”. No, I can’t come up with a better title and I probably can’t come up with a lamer one too for that matter. It’s just a song that’s stuck in my head. You know, the opening of the first season of Digimon. “Mugendai na yume no ato no nanimo nai you no na ka jya”. Yes, I’m lame. Awesome, awesome song, though.

What’s the mystery behind SilentHill? I’d look it up on YouTube but it is just too damn creepy, man.



“Scented dust, Tir? Seriously?”

Shut up. I got it from my incessant habit of sniffing in paper.

That aside, please relink. Thank you.


Rau writes…

Abroad (1): In or to a foreign country or countries; away from one’s own country.

Despite the fact that the chat blog has mysteriously vanished, I’m still gonna blog.

Twelve-twenty-one midnight.

Currently multi-tasking. Continuing Digimon episodes, organising and cleaning up my room. Why bother going to bed early when you can’t sleep? Last night I was wide awake until three so now I just can’t care less.

This is your fault, Rif. If you hadn’t gone to Australia or at least to Canberra (where there is no wireless Internet connection), I’d be tucking myself in now. But as I’ve said, I just can’t care less anymore. His sister’s graduating next week. And then they’re going off to Sydney because his parents want to see the Blue Mountain… ? I’ve never heard of it. Bet you haven’t too. They always show the Opera House when they refer to Sydney, not Blue Mountain.

Two nights ago, I came along with my parents to ICC where the Japanese celebrated their Emperor’s seventy-sixth birthday. Isn’t that cool? Seventy six?

Anyway, there were free unlimited sushi, sponsored by Excapade, Kaizen and Misato. Gahhh… My tummy’s rumbling just reminiscing all the food. There were also karate, kendo and some other martial arts performance by some students from some schools. I didn’t know karate was originated from Japan too. Huh.

Then my dad accidentally crushed my toe with his heel. It was nasty… but not so much painful. My toe nail cracked into some pieces and it bled. Anyway, it’s good now.

Arif’s not being here is seriously making me more jobless. May do some research, I guess.

G.O.O.D luv

Eliza writes…

we all are busy heheheehe mun, tean and i are fangirling everyday ahahahaa since nada kraja…but then i forgot that we havent pass up our hw…ahahahaha next year tah antar…i owe taecher aahaha


rau is the only one yg update ahahaha rajin

today i havent contacted jeer, ahahaha oi jeer, kredit ku pun abis ahahahaha

anyway, wal kau sudah pindah rumah?

rai dah balik?

holidays are fun except for THAT FACT..

anyway i miss you guys

my world is just on the silent mode without you guys

lets hang out

i miss you ahha

i am an A+ and E.L.F hehehehe

btw have a fun break from everything but lets enjoy next year too

lets struggle have fun  together ahahaha


lets declare a war to the olevel and do our best


i soooo love park sang hyun

he’s mine!!

thats all from me ahahha


Going digital.

Rau writes…

Abridge: To make a book, play, etc shorter by omitting parts.

I’m addicted to YouTube. I’ve been watching Reaper and Digimon (01 and 02) episodes. Digimon soundtracks are still awesome to me. Especially BreakUp. The singers’ voices are hot too.

Have you heard of the man who married a video-game character in Japan? Hahah, some people say Japan may be coming to an end, others (who are as… eccentric) celebrated with the newlyweds. Ah, world. World, world.

Arif flew off to Australia two days ago. He went alone since everyone else was already there and he had to stay because of school. He visited his cousins in Singapore for, like, half a day and then flew off to Adelaide, where his brother lives in with his family. And then I met his nephew. Well… kinda. Technically, I just saw him through webcam. And then tomorrow he’s going to Canberra to where his sister and his parents are.

Last night he gave me another SuJu video link. Gah…

I only know now that you can actually download Ps2 games from the Internet, burn it to a CD and play it like any normal game. Whoo.

“Anak Bulan”.

Rau writes…

Abreast: Side by side and facing the same way.

NewMoon is epic boredom. Epic boredom!

I’m not sure why. Could be the sappiness or the non-stop continuous emo moments. Could be the fact that I couldn’t stand to look at Edward Cullen. Could be the fact that the story was just basically like modernised fantasy. It was quite atrocious.

I’m sorry but I get this feeling that Stephenie Meyer has quite an emo mind. The Twilight saga isn’t the only contributing factor to the statement but the protagonist of TheHost is also quite emo too. But I guess you can’t be somebody to everybody.

Edward Cullen looked a little paler to me (though I didn’t think that was actually possible) and his lipstick looked a little darker too. Gah… I actually winced every time he made his appearance in the movie. I can’t believe some girls in the theater were screeching to… that. Come on. He sprays body glitter all over himself, puts on coloured contact lenses, applies Joker’s make-up and memorises Romeo and Juliet lines. Yeah, I could do that.

So my cousins agreed that when we watch Eclipse next year and the girls screech again, we’ll chant “Astaghfirullahalazim” instead. Hahah, I’m just kidding.

I like Stephenie Meyer. She has good writing skills. But to someone like me, a movie like that is supposed to be comedy.

Hahah, by the way, Laurent sounded so funny when he said, “You are so mouth-watering” to Bella. I don’t know he really sounded like one of them vampires from, what, Transylvania?

Apologies to Twilight fans. This is just the purpose of ranting.

tiis been a long timee

nawal writes…..

daaayyuumm, our blog is like covered with insects and a whole lotta dust, thanks to baby rau, who’s been updating.

ammm, okkk
this is what i think the girls are up to….

wals : hasnt been attending and will only attend next yr
jeer : birthday was on 22nd of Nov
rai : currently not in brunei
mun, ten, za : probably doing their fan girl ing acts
rau : updates me with stuff from time to time
musy : where are you babyyy? imy!

so yeah, that’s what nawal thinks, okkkkkk

i miss you girls so damn damn damn much, like seriouzly!

ok, that’s all i guess

llaaaaaavv, wals

*i wasnt jigoku shoujo s.4!