Jeerah writes:

its already 2011.and we didnt update the wordpress at all and the last update was by rau on february.

i just want to say.it has been a very interesting year.

we went through a lot of things together,discovering our new sides and the true meaning of friendship.i wanted to say thank you to all of you who hadnt given up on me when going through the hardest time.i finally realise what i had was precious to me and you all reminded me not to let it go.thank you again.

i probably did a lot of things to make you all sad and i’m sorry.but im thankfull that you guys had forgiven me and accepted me again,willing to help me change.thank you guys.i love you!

anyway,enough with the drama.its a new year and i wish you guys a belated happy new year!!i wish you all a happy holiday.well…for the next 5 days that is.AHHAHA

hmmm..have a healthy life!!and umm..dont forget to study!!bahh.i have to go.bye!!!