“Anak Bulan”.

Rau writes…

Abreast: Side by side and facing the same way.

NewMoon is epic boredom. Epic boredom!

I’m not sure why. Could be the sappiness or the non-stop continuous emo moments. Could be the fact that I couldn’t stand to look at Edward Cullen. Could be the fact that the story was just basically like modernised fantasy. It was quite atrocious.

I’m sorry but I get this feeling that Stephenie Meyer has quite an emo mind. The Twilight saga isn’t the only contributing factor to the statement but the protagonist of TheHost is also quite emo too. But I guess you can’t be somebody to everybody.

Edward Cullen looked a little paler to me (though I didn’t think that was actually possible) and his lipstick looked a little darker too. Gah… I actually winced every time he made his appearance in the movie. I can’t believe some girls in the theater were screeching to… that. Come on. He sprays body glitter all over himself, puts on coloured contact lenses, applies Joker’s make-up and memorises Romeo and Juliet lines. Yeah, I could do that.

So my cousins agreed that when we watch Eclipse next year and the girls screech again, we’ll chant “Astaghfirullahalazim” instead. Hahah, I’m just kidding.

I like Stephenie Meyer. She has good writing skills. But to someone like me, a movie like that is supposed to be comedy.

Hahah, by the way, Laurent sounded so funny when he said, “You are so mouth-watering” to Bella. I don’t know he really sounded like one of them vampires from, what, Transylvania?

Apologies to Twilight fans. This is just the purpose of ranting.

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